Friday, 6 August 2010

We Stand as Mighty Oaks

We stand as mighty oaks kissed by the Lady Spirit of Nature, just as leaves are kissed by the breeze. Father Sun sending loving shards of light deep within our souls, nourishing our roots. Slowly, patiently we take time to experience the flow of life, like sap in the trunk spreading to every branch and each and every twig. We stand as a bridge to the elements, rooted in the earth, flowing like water, the air our breath and the sunlight our soul. As does the oak, we stand as guardians to nature’s great paradise. We bow in reverence to her great spirit. We shed our clothes, our worldly lives, our hectic existence, just as the oak sheds its leaves, standing tall. In this deep connection we find our true strength, our deep roots and the joy of simply being. We drink of her spirit in a divine union as she welcomes us into her magical embrace.

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