Thursday, 12 August 2010

Reclaim the Night Sky

Light pollution is a sorry fact for most people.  Gone are the days where you could look up into the star-filled sky and gaze at the wonder of the Milky Way.  Now you can just about make out the Moon in a sea of orange haze.  Who knows what effect this is having on our minds.

Governments like to talk the talk about carbon footprints and saving energy- but why do they waste billions on lighting up miles of deserted roads?  Light pollution not only costs the Earth, but cuts us off from the heavens.

For more information visit The International Dark-Sky Association

Stars Above, Earth Below: A Guide to Astronomy in the National Parks (Springer Praxis Books / Popular Astronomy)Brilliant: The Evolution of Artificial LightLet There Be Night: Testimony on Behalf of the Dark

Introducing Electra

Electra is a sandhill crane chick who is often baffled by the world. She is named after one of the stars in the Pleiades and will post mainly about things being ODD! She is quite indignant at times and often shakes her head in exasperation!  She has six siblings, all named after stars in the Pleiades:  Taygeta, Sterope, Merope,
Maia, Caleano and Alcyone.